Traditional Chinese medicine has a unique theory and perspective for health and therefore brings a new insight for the modern demand of healthy lifestyle. Today we are going to share our views and useful tips for endometriosis (as well as menstrual pain).

Endometriosis is a chronic, progressive condition where endometrial tissue is found growing outside of the uterus. It is estimated that as many as one in ten women are affected by it. The main symptoms are pelvic pain and infertility. Nearly half of those affected have chronic pelvic pain, while in 70% pain occurs during menstruation. Pain during sexual intercourse is also common. Infertility occurs in up to half of women affected. [Read more: Women's health]
There is no known scientific cause of endometriosis. Endometriosis is a heritable condition that is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Daughters or sisters of women with endometriosis are at higher risk of developing endometriosis themselves. Having children later in life, high consumption of alcohol, and chronically high stress levels are all thought to be contributing factors.
Chinese Medicine considers endometriosis, and any menstrual pain, to be a stagnation of menstrual flow. It is regarded as “Blood Stagnation” which is caused by:
insufficient of Blood energy. Just like a river, if there is not enough water, the water flow could get weak.
Cold blockage. Overexposure to cold through diet or the environment. [Read more: Winter solstice: Insights and healthcare tips]
Stagnation of Qi. It comes in two ways: 1) Stress could overstimulate the body causing too much Qi in the wrong place or 2) Qi is insufficient due to poor diet or over exhaustion like a burnout. [Read more: Qi deficiency: What is it and how do you manage it?]
Damp accumulation. This usually result from poor digestion and wrong food choices. When we are unable to metabolize our food properly it accumulates as Dampness blocking Qi and Blood flow. [Read more: Cook your food - digestive system explained in Traditional Chinese medicine]
Chinese Medicine treatments aim to re-establish Qi and Blood flow and reduce pain to improve quality of life and increase fertility.
Below is a list of things that you can do to manage endometriosis and menstrual pain in general.
Endometriosis dietary guidelines
1. Foods to include:
warm, easy to digest, nourishing foods such as soups, stews, and bone broth.
natural fat and oil found in fish and seeds.
whole grains including rice.
lots of steamed, roasted or lightly cooked veggies, especially cabbage, broccoli, Asian greens and green leafy veg.
quality, organic protein including eggs, fish, and chicken.
limited amount of red meat. The right amount of red meat helps to nourish our blood energy but overconsumption could congest the blood. Try not to eat over a size of your palm amount of meat each day. In general, red meat should only account for 10-20% of your portion of meal.
2. Food to avoid as they tend to cause blockage of energy or inflammation:
raw, cold, or frozen food
dairy products
heavy sugar like chocolate spread, cream, fruit juices
artificial food or other additives
Lifestyle tips for endometriosis
Let the menstrual blood flow out. No tampons, no intercourse during menstruation.
Stay warm. Cold constricts the blood vessels and slows down the blood flow. To stay properly warm you need to keep the feet, back and belly well covered. This is important throughout the whole time, but especially during menstruation. [Read more: TCM Treatment For Cold Hand And Feet]
Avoid going out in the wind and wear a scarf to protect your neck, never go out with wet hair.
Rest on days of pain. Avoid strenuous exercise or demanding days but do go for a gentle walk if you can. It can help relieve pain for some women.
Nourish your body with a prescribed and personalized herbal mixture.
Warm up your belly with a hot water bag.
Perform regular acupuncture sessions to keep the smooth energy flow.
Avoid swimming during menstruation (the coldness and dampness could attack the meridian causing blockage of energy).
Take warm foot bath with sea salt. For those who have weak and unsmooth blood flow during menstruation, you can also use Chinese mugwort foot bath 3 days before your expected date of menstruation.
We hope you’ve found these tips useful. Please feel free to share and pass them on to the women in your life. If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact us.