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Pregnancy andbirth

Prenatal Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Pregnancy can be a wonderful journey that completely changes a woman's life and an extraordinary experience. Nevertheless, the nine-month journey to motherhood is not only full of happiness, but also challenges. During different periods of pregnancy, the mother's body changes drastically. Some of these changes can be uncomfortable for daily life, but they can also cause pain and intense symptoms, or even endanger the mother and baby. These changes greatly affect the body and mind of a pregnant woman and can be a great challenge.

Typical prenatal symptoms
Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters, each lasting 13-14 weeks. Each period is marked by various changes and states of the body, such as:

Emotional factors: mood swings, sadness, anxiety and depression;
Physical factors: morning sickness, nausea, vomiting, back pain, headache, leg cramps, heartburn and indigestion;
Mental factors: stress, fatigue and low energy levels.


How does TCM help with pregnancy?

TCM promotes and restores physical, emotional and even mental harmony. It helps to maintain inner balance and well-being so that you can more easily face the changes that pregnancy brings to a woman's body and mind. TCM follows an integrated and holistic approach in combination with various treatments such as acupuncture and treatment with herbal supplements.

Acupuncture and taking herbs during pregnancy have the following benefits: They focus on establishing a healthy foundation for pregnancy; They maintain balance and provide relief from general pain; They help pregnant women prepare for a peaceful birth.

Acupuncture and taking herbs can be helpful from the very beginning to promote a healthy and peaceful pregnancy by relieving pain.

First trimester:

  • morning sickness

  • colds and flu

  • risk of miscarriage

  • anxiety

  • Indigestion

  • anemia

  • fatigue and low energy levels

Second trimester:

  • heartburn

  • leg cramps

  • sciatica

  • hemorrhoids

  • sore muscles

  • premature birth

  • carpal tunnel syndrome

Third trimester:

  • pelvic pain

  • incontinence

  • high blood pressure

  • back pain

  • insomnia

  • preparation for childbirth

  • incorrect position of the child

Acupuncture in pregnancy,
when the fetus is not in the correct position

Chinese medicine, especially moxibustion, is suitable and successful in pregnancy when the fetus is not in the correct position. It is a simple method of treatment that aims to increase the activity of the fetus and thereby encourage it to find the correct position.

If the fetus is in an incorrect position, turned transversely or in any other inappropriate position, the therapy is recommended in the 34th week of pregnancy. Studies show successful reversals of the fetus in 89-90% of cases if the therapy is started in the mentioned week of pregnancy. The success of the therapies decreases with the growth of the fetus, since the successful movement to the correct position, if the therapy is performed in the 38th week of pregnancy, is only 60%. Which is still a high enough number that it's worth a try.

Fetal reversal therapy involves acupuncture and heating the Zhiyin acupuncture point located on the outside of the smallest toe. After the first therapy, the therapist shows and teaches the pregnant woman how to use moxa, so that she can perform this part of the therapy herself at home, on a daily basis. If the child does not return within a week, the acupuncture therapy is repeated, and the moxa therapy continues for the next week. 

Massage and acupuncture for an easier birth

In this video, we will show you some easily accessible acupuncture points for pregnant women in preparation for childbirth.  It is desirable that partners also know the points, because they can massage them during the birth process!

DO NOT perform the massage before the 38th week of pregnancy. 

  • After completing 38. per week, the massages of all points should last 10 min. 

  • After completing the 39. In a week, the massages of all points should last 10 minutes, 2 times a day!

  • After turning 40. week of pregnancy, you can book acupuncture therapy with us, as only this is much more powerful in point stimulation than acupuncture point massage itself.

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Masaža za lažji porod

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Prenatal Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

V različnih obdobjih nosečnosti se materino telo drastično spremeni. TKM spodbuja in obnavlja fizično, čustveno in celo mentalno harmonijo. Pomaga ohranjati notranje ravnotežje in dobro počutje, da se lažje soočite s spremembami, ki jih nosečnost prinaša za žensko telo in misli.

Postpartum care with TCM

Ko se rodi otrok, je njeno telo zelo odprto. Po porodu je lahko ženska oslabljena, če pa se izvaja posebna nega, ji to lahko omogoči, da postane celo močnejša. Za to je potrebna odlična nega novopečene matere.

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