Prevention of infertility with TCM
It takes two to make a child
The World Health Organization has predicted that infertility and sterility will be the third most serious disease in the 21st century after cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Reproduction is the most direct natural selection. If only the fittest survive, the rising rate of infertility in developed countries should undoubtedly be a warning sign to our modern way of life.
Couples who want a child now or in the future should take care of their health. One in six couples will face the problem of infertility. Both men and women must take responsibility. More than 30% of infertility problems are caused by men, and in 10% both partners are responsible. Statistics have shown that the number and motility of male sperm have been decreasing over the past two decades [1]. Women also face problems, of which polycystic ovaries, endometriosis and irregular menstrual cycles are common. Some would say that couples need to rest and not worry about themselves, but TCM's point of view as real health care is not the actions we take when we are sick, but the measures we take to maintain and improve the strength and functioning of our body. The bottom line is that caring for couples is also beneficial for their current and future personal health.

Statistics on infertility
10-20% of all men have a low sperm count.
2-3% of all men are completely infertile and do not produce any sperm at all.
Infertility affects at least 15% of the population of reproductive age, with male causes accounting for approximately 40% of these cases.
85% are treated with conventional drugs (synthetic hormones) or surgery to repair diseased reproductive organs.
In vitro fertilization has a 10-20% chance of success, and each attempt costs US$10,000 (approx. €8,000).
Source: World Health Organization
How is TKM different?
While conventional medicine focuses on measuring and using hormones to achieve pregnancy, TCM looks at the health of the whole body. Infertility is a sign of the imbalance behind it. When it comes to infertility, there are four major systems that can lead to infertility if they are out of balance - these are the kidney, spleen, heart and liver systems. In addition to TCM systems, there are also four vital energies: water, fire, Qi and blood energy, which can be deficient, overabundant, stagnant or create an imbalance that can manifest as infertility.

Effects proven by research

A German study published in 2002 [2] showed that acupuncture can benefit couples who have decided to undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF). Of the 80 women in the study who underwent IVF and received acupuncture treatment, 34 women became pregnant. Of the 80 women who received only IVF without acupuncture treatment, only 21 women became pregnant. Later, an American study [3] showed revealing results. She showed that 51 percent of women who received both acupuncture and IVD treatment became pregnant, while only 36 percent of women who received only IVF treatment and no acupuncture became pregnant. A 2005 study by China's Shanghai University [4] found that acupuncture also helped treat male infertility. Male participants who received acupuncture treatment had a higher percentage of sperm in their semen; in addition, the structure and morphology of their sperm was healthier than the sperm of those participants who did not receive acupuncture treatment for infertility.
Acupuncture therefore improves both the number and quality of sperm. In a study published in 2005 in the journal Fertility and Sterility, men who received acupuncture treatment had fewer structural defects in their testicles than those who did not receive acupuncture.
[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23213178
[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11937123
[3] http://www.fertstert.org/article/S0015-0282(04)01505-5/fulltext
[4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16009169
Birth control pills can mess up the balance of your systems

TCM recognizes the impact of hormonal contraception on fertility. Contraception suppresses liver function, so it is believed that the longer a woman takes contraception, the harder it will be to get pregnant. Of course, the process of trying to conceive is exhausting and stressful – both physically and emotionally.
Ironically, it is the liver system that regulates emotions and stress. Too much stress can lead to liver failure.

Treatment of infertility with TCM
TCM attempts to rebalance your body to promote fertility. Even if you are only taking natural therapies or working with a reproductive endocrinologist or taking reproductive therapies (in vitro fertilization or intrauterine insemination), you can begin to rebalance your systems and improve your chances of pregnancy.
Infertility is usually the result of deep and complex imbalances, so the treatment lasts and includes the following steps:
Appropriate diagnosis of imbalances and preparation of a plan to harmonize your systems and balance your energies
Lifestyle and dietary changes to promote balance in your systems. According to TCM, certain foods and activities have certain properties. Through food, exercise, relaxation techniques, yoga, tai chi, Qi Gong and other things, you can increase the energy of your kidneys and spleen Qi or clear stagnation of liver energy.
Correcting imbalances and replenishing essential energies to increase the chances of pregnancy with the help of herbs. Herbs are natural energy substances that can gently and effectively eliminate imbalances and optimize fertility.
Balancing energy channels (meridians) with acupuncture. Through a series of acupuncture treatments, you can balance the organ systems and encourage the smooth flow of blood and Qi to the reproductive organs and throughout the body.
A common diagnosis of TCM for infertility
TCM diagnoses are made by a qualified practitioner after a thorough physical examination and extensive interview.
More about TCM diagnostics.
You may not be familiar with the terminology used in TCM diagnostics. There are different ways we observe patterns in your body. While your general practitioner would tell you that you have low progesterone levels, TCM diagnostics would tell you that you are deficient in kidney fire. It's a different way of expressing similar things and a different perspective on your health and fertility.
The most common TMJ imbalances that cause infertility are:
Stagnation of liver fire
The flow of fiery energy through the liver is necessary for both ovulation and menstruation. Women with stagnant liver energy often experience symptoms of imbalance during ovulation (bloating, irritation, breast tenderness) and during menstruation (premenstrual breast tenderness, irritability, anger, painful periods). This pattern is common in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and women with long menstrual cycles.
Deficiency of Spleen Qi
According to TCM, Spleen Qi regulates the second half of the menstrual cycle (luteal phase). Spleen Qi and kidney energy enable the formation of the endometrium and stimulate the production of progesterone. Women with Spleen Qi deficiency usually have a lack of energy, sugar cravings, poor circulation, and can sometimes bleed before menstruation, have menstrual cramps, and struggle with fatigue during menstruation.
Lack of kidney fire
Kidney Fire, together with Spleen Qi, controls the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Kidney fire stimulates the production of progesterone and maintains an elevated body temperature after ovulation. Symptoms in women with a deficiency of kidney fire can be manifested in the form of coldness - they have cold feet or hands, or they cannot tolerate cold. They may experience menstrual cramps, which can be alleviated with a heated pillow.
Lack of renal water
While Kidney Fire and Spleen Qi control the luteal phase, Kidney Water takes care of the follicular phase (the first half of the menstrual cycle when the egg develops before ovulation). Kidney water also controls the production of uterine lining and the expansion of the uterus during ovulation. Women with renal water deficiency may experience night sweats, hot flashes, and have little or no intercycle uterine lining. Women with kidney water deficiency are more likely to experience menopausal syndrome in middle age.
There are many other TCM imbalances that can contribute to infertility. The imbalances mentioned above are the most common, but others can be blood stasis, blood deficiency, lack of heart energy and damp fever.
More than just infertility
TCM can affect a person more than just stimulating the possibility of pregnancy. If the parent is not healthy, the child will not receive the best energy for development. Healthy pregnancies start with balance. By healing your body before pregnancy, you will have the opportunity to pass on the wisdom of healing to your child. This level of healing is the greatest gift you can give yourself and your growing child.
Moški vedno bolj skrbijo za svoje zdravje in več govorijo o različnih težavah, ki so zanje najbolj pomembne: vzdrževanje zdrave telesne teže, seksualna vitalnost, trajna vrhunska zmogljivost ter dolgo življenje.
Abnormal growths on the female reproductive system
Kaj imajo skupnega bolezni kot so endometrioza, miomi maternice, ciste jajčnikov, endometriomi jajčnikov in sindrom policističnih jajčnikov?
Pregnancy and childbirth
Za otroka je pomembno tako fizično kot duševno dobro počutje matere.