Women's health
As the Chinese saying goes, women hold up half the sky. It is true, despite all the long-standing movements for gender equality, the life of modern women is not any easier. It may even have become more difficult. Young women are constantly trying to live up to society's expectations of sexuality and beauty. Mothers struggle to juggle a successful career and family. For the older generations, who finally have time to enjoy life, the body limits their freedom.
Women are often associated with the concept of care and love. But we can't give something we don't have. Therefore, a woman must first take good care of herself and love her body if she wants to provide constant support and selfless love to her family. Even women who want to follow their dreams and enjoy freedom need to have a healthy body to do so.
Women have unique health issues such as pregnancy, menopause and various disease states of the female organs. Their pregnancy can be healthy if they start regular prenatal care early enough. It is also recommended that they attend screenings for breast cancer, cervical cancer and bone density measurements.
Many health problems are common to both men and women, but may affect women differently. Such examples are:
A woman is more likely to die after a heart attack than a man.
Women show signs of depression and anxiety more often than men.
Osteoarthritis affects more women than men.
Women have more urinary problems than men.
In addition to treatment with conventional medicine, people are increasingly becoming aware of and turning to natural and alternative medicine. More information on how TCM can help women can be found below.
Ženske se soočajo z inkontinenco dvakrat pogosteje kot moški. To je posledica nosečnosti, poroda, menopavze in same strukture ženskih sečil.
Prevention of osteoporosis
Osteoporoza največkrat prizadane starejše ženske, a s preventivo se začne že v mlajših letih.
Prevention of osteoporosis
Autoimmune diseases
Večina avtoimunskih bolezni je veliko bolj razširjena med ženskami kot moškimi. Med bolniki s sistemskim eritematoznim lupusom, z avtoimunskimi bolezni ščitnice ali sistemsko sklerozo je kar 80-95% žensk, med tistimi z artritisom in multuplosklerozo pa 60%.
Autoimmune diseases
Pregnancy and childbirth
Depression and anxiety
Depresija je pri ženskah zelo pogosta. Pravzaprav bo ženska verjetneje razvila klinično depresijo kot moški. Ena od štirihi žensk bo po vsej verjetnosti imela obdobje težje depresije v neki točki življenja.
Depression and anxiety
Abnormal growths on the female reproductive system
Kaj imajo skupnega bolezni kot so endometrioza, miomi maternice, ciste jajčnikov, endometriomi jajčnikov in sindrom policističnih jajčnikov?
Abnormal growths on the female reproductive system
Ženske gredo lažje skozi obdobje menopavze s pravimi preventivnimi ukrepi in nekaj pomoči.
Inflammation of the urinary tract
Ženska uretra je krajša od moške. Zaradi te anatomske razlike so ženske bolj dovzetne za okužbe sečil.
Potrebe ženskega metabolizma se po njenem 40. letu spremenijo. Zato morate narediti nekaj prilagoditev v prehranjevalnih navadah.
Cosmetic acupuncture
Obstaja naraven, varen in učinkovit način spreminjanje vaše kože in učvrstitve obraza. Z njim, ne naslovite le kože ampak naredite, da sijete od znotraj. Ta način je terapija pomlajevanja obraza, bolj znana kot kozmetična akupunktura.
Cosmetic acupuncture
TKM nima vpliva le na začetek nosečnosti. Če starša pred ali med nosečnostjo nista zdrava, potem otrok ne bo prejel tiste najboljše energije za lasten razvoj. Zdrava nosečnost se začne s stanjem ravnovesja v telesu.
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