Chinese herbs

Chinese herbal medicine is one of the largest herbal systems in the world, with an unbroken tradition dating back to the 3rd century BC.
Herbs consist of leaves, stems, bark, roots or seeds. Each is characterized by its unique action. When judiciously combined, they perform a variety of tasks and help restore the body's overall balance.
The difference between acupuncture and herbs is that acupuncture helps the body to help itself (immaterial energy); but it cannot give what the body itself does not have (material energy). Herbs - like acupuncture - help the body to help itself while providing what it lacks. Therefore, they often work more powerfully and effectively than acupuncture alone.
In China, people use herbs first, then turn to acupuncture. In the Western world, most acupuncturists are not allowed to prescribe herbs, which is considered very unusual in China. All herbs are of the highest quality and are prescribed individually to meet the patient's needs.
History of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal medicine has a long history. The use of herbs most likely dates back to the time shortly after the discovery of fire and cooked food. People started adding herbs to their food because they recognized their medicinal effects. This knowledge later developed and formed into its own branch of medicine thousands of years ago and is most likely older than acupuncture.
Are Chinese herbs safe?
Yes, Chinese herbs are safe. You may have read something bad about them in the media, for example, that steroids are used in Chinese medicine. In China, they unified medicine more than 60 years ago, using Western pharmaceuticals and Chinese herbs; thus, a single pill contains both types of active ingredient, making it more effective. Unfortunately, some of these pills have been exported to the West, where medicine is not unified, and have caused problems.
The use of Chinese herbs is now strictly controlled in the West, and all imported herbs are of guaranteed quality.
What are the side effects of Chinese herbs?
There are several types of "side effects" of Chinese herbs; the most common problem is the unusual taste of the herbs, which most people, including children, get used to. Other "side effects" may be cleansing effects or adjustments to the body, but these effects usually subside as the system improves. If herbs are used under professional supervision, serious and long-lasting side effects are very rare.
What are the benefits of taking Chinese herbs?
Chinese herbs are often overlooked in medical treatment. This is because most people are not aware of their benefits and because most acupuncturists unfortunately do not use herbal medicine. The use of herbs in treatment can greatly benefit both men and women. Acupuncture helps to regulate the flow of energy and blood, but it cannot give you what you do not have yourself. Herbs, on the other hand, can give you what you don't have, such as energy, blood, and yin. They are also more effective in regulating digestion, reducing anxiety, releasing heat, etc. More and more research is devoted to the positive effects of Chinese herbs.
What do Chinese herbs taste like?
Herbs are in powder form. There is no more need to cook bark pieces, twigs or seeds. However, the powder still has an herbal taste, and this taste is not very pleasant. Herbs can be compressed into tablets, which eliminates the bad taste. However, it is also true that people with unusual tastes eventually get used to it.
How often should I take Chinese herbs?
Depending on the urgency and severity of the problem, they are usually taken once or twice a day after a meal with warm water.
How will I feel after taking Chinese herbs?
After consuming Chinese herbs for a few weeks, people report significantly improved well-being. Chinese herbs work on the whole body, they also correct other problems of people, which makes them feel healthier and happier. They are more energetic, sleep better, have better digestion, are less cold or hot, and are more emotionally stable. However, the effects vary from person to person and also depend on how severe the problem was to begin with. And most importantly: even if you feel better very quickly, solving a deeper problem requires gradual action and more time.
Can I get herbs in tablet form?
Yes, herbal powder can be compressed into tablets. High air pressure is used, so the tablets do not contain any impurities. This means that the herbs will be almost tasteless and very easy to consume with water. This service is subject to an additional charge.