When it comes to hangovers, prevention truly is the best cure. With a little foresight, you can save yourself a world of pain the next morning.

Prevention Tips
Stay Hydrated Start your night off with a glass of water, and aim to drink one between every alcoholic beverage. This helps dilute the alcohol in your bloodstream and keeps dehydration at bay.
Eat Before You Drink A balanced and substantial meal before or during your drinking session is crucial. Foods rich in healthy fats are especially helpful, as they create a protective lining in your stomach, slowing alcohol absorption and reducing hangover risks. [Read more: TCM Dietary Advice]
Hangover Cures
Rest and Recover Sleep is your body's best remedy. Alcohol disrupts your normal sleep cycle, so catching extra Z’s gives your system the time it needs to repair and restore. [Read more: Circadian Rhythms and the Chinese Medicine Body Clock (1/2)] [Read more: 9 Tips to promote sleep]
Rehydrate Wisely Start your morning with warm water to rehydrate after a night of alcohol-induced dehydration. Gradually drink more throughout the day, but avoid overdoing it—small, steady sips are key to feeling better because slamming too much water can make you feel worse. Consider making yourself some rice soup as it will help with smoothing your nausea and provide you some Qi energy for recovery. [Read more: How much water should I drink? Understanding Water energy with TCM] [Read more: Pericardium 6 (PC6)- Acupoint for nausea and anxiety]
Think Twice About Painkillers When your head is pounding the first thing you'll be tempted to reach for is a quick pain reliever. This is not the best idea because over-the-counter (OTC) products like aspirin, Tylenol, and ibuprofen have side effects that are magnified while alcohol is in your system. This is probably contrary to everything you want to do right now, but for your long-term health, it is a good advice. Just like alcohol, aspirin is a blood thinner and the two in combination can intensify the effects. Tylenol (or acetaminophen) can cause more damage to your liver and ibuprofen can also cause stomach bleeding.
Consider TCM Herbal Support Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers herbal remedies that support your body's recovery process. Taking these supplements before and after drinking can help replenish the energy your body uses to detox and repair itself. The common choice in my practice are: Bupleuri Radix, Radix Rehmanniae recen, Radix Paeoniae Alba.
Next week, we’ll wrap up this survival guide with essential tips for tackling digestive discomfort. Stay tuned! [Read more: Digestive discomfort: Vodič preživetja praznične sezone (3/3)] [Read more: Healthy Eating: Holiday Survival Guide (1/3)]