Feng Shui, just like Traditional Chinese medicine, is originated from the ancient China, more precisely the I Ching and Taoism. National Geographic explains Feng Shui as an “ancient Chinese art of arranging buildings, objects, and space in an environment to achieve harmony and balance in a way that will bring peace and prosperity.” It provides a guildline and reference for proper arrangments for the environment, the external energy, in return, it affects the human body’s mind and health, the internal energy.

What Is Feng Shui? Superstitions Or Logical Thinking?
The arrangement of buildings and objects and the organization of space within a room can create harmony and balance. Feng Shui directly translates to Feng 風 (wind, air) and Shui 水 (water). Feng Shui studies how the air and water flows thus affecting the energy Qi (氣). The main goal of Feng Shui is 藏風納氣- store and guide the Qi to enhance the supportive energy while minimizing negative impacts.
Our perception of environment can determine how we think and behave in life. Through a series of symbolism, it could work as a projection of subconscious thoughts; or, from the other way round, affect our subconscious mind. This is where feng shui comes in, as a tool to help you design a space that makes you feel clam, powerful, and supported in your health and wellness goals.
How Feng Shui Understand And Balance The Energies?
Just like TCM, Feng Shui read the Yin and Yang, Five Phases, BaGua orientation of each component then strive for a harmonious balance. As the IChing (The Book of Change) has stated:everything is changing and everything is connected. How man can integrate with the nature is by doing the right thing at the right time in the right place. So let’s quickly talk about the Dos and Don’ts for Feng Shui for Home.
Do These For Better Feng Shui
Allow natural lights and ventilation. If possible, place the windows sychronizing the natural energy (South facing in the Northern hemisphere) and avoid manmade (roads, highways, noisey places) or natural (too close to water, strong wind corridor, high humidity) disturbance.
Make a good impression with your front door and the entrance area. The main entrance door should be the largest door with good privacy and security.
Have a clear purpose of each area and clean up unnecessary clutters.
Place the active area like the living/dining room near the main entrance while the quiet area like bedroom or study room away from the main entrance.
Choose warming and uplifting colour for the living room while clam and relaxing colour for the bedroom.
Put plenty of storage space inside the bedroom but keep the bedroom smaller than the living room.
Know the orientation, particularly the commanding position (45 degrees across the entrance)

Have a supportive back for your sofa, headboard of the bed and stove.
Hang meaningful and harmonious picture.
Fill up your refrigerator and pantry while cleaning out the spoiled or bad food immediately.
Put plants at a place where they can live but avoid pointy plants like cactus.Green leafy plants are the most suitable.
Remove damaged things and dead plants.
Use matching colour and unify the height of objects, for example the night stands and chairs.
Allow a welcoming area to sit, gather and eat comfortably.
Do Not Do These Therefore Avoiding Bad Feng Shui
Have too many doors in the same room or have the doors facing each other.
Let the main entrance door facing directly through a window/door looking/going outside or a staircase/kitchen/bathroom.
Have exposed and unorganized shoes or junks near the main entrance door.
Have the head of your bed facing a door, window, air-conditioner, exposed or in-wall pipes, close to the bathroom or kitchen or any objects that could fall.
Have the bed or sofa under a beam or overhead cabinets or a pendant light.
Have a mirror facing your bed or a door or too many mirrors.
Place a stove in the middle on a room or facing against the sink.
Put a bathroom in the middle of the overall floorplan.
Have sharp and pointy objects like a sword, arrows, exposed knife, etc.
Put Buddha or other regilous figure in the bedroom, kitchen or bathroom.
Put TV, sports equipment or musical instruments in the bedroom.
Put photos, pictures or figures with eyes in the bedroom.